111 research outputs found

    Un experiment asupra regulilor de vot

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    In this article we examine the consequences of changing voting woes in experimental conditions. In this case we test two theses: a) different voting rules lead to different results and b) to what extent strategic voting is present in the experiment. The experiment took place during the course of Election Analysis, Faculty of Political Science, SNSPA Bucharest. The two voting procedures used in the experiment were approval voting and Borda vote

    Direct neural-network hardware-implementation algorithm

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    An algorithm for compact neural network hardware implementation is presented, which exploits special properties of the Boolean functions describing the operation of artificial neurones with step activation function. The algorithm contains three steps: ANN mathematical model digitisation, conversion of the digitised model into a logic gate structure, and hardware optimisation by elimination of redundant logic gates. A set of C++ programs automates algorithm implementation, generating optimised VHDL code. This strategy bridges the gap between ANN design software and hardware design packages (Xilinx). Although the method is directly applicable only to neurones with step activation functions, it can be extended to sigmoidal functions

    Silent angina pectoris in a patient with diabetes mellitus, clinical case

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Angina pectorală silențioasă (APs) se dezvoltă la: pacienți absolut asimptomatici cu defect al sistemului de avertisment anginal, în 30% la bolnavii cu infarct miocardic în anamnestic, în 80% la cei cu angină pectorală instabilă (API), angină Prinzmetal și la 70% - cu angină pectorală stabilă (APS). Scopul lucrării. Prezentăm cazul clinic a unui pacient tânăr hipertensiv, fumător, cu fibrilație atrială, genealogie agravată, care se internează de urgență cu dispnee inspiratorie la efort fizic minimal, palpitații și cefalee. Material și metode. Bărbat, 54 de ani, internat cu API în secția de cardiologie SCM „Sfânta Treime”. Din anamnestic: hipertensiv de 15 ani, diabet zaharat de 11 ani, fibrilație atrială de 6 ani. Investigațiile efectuate: electrocardiografia, ecocardiografia, coronaroangiografia, radiografia toracelui, ultrasonografia abdominală, marcherii injuriei miocitare, hemoglobina glicată, analize hematologice și biochimice. Rezultate. Starea generală a pacientului cu agravare: dispnee inspiratorie la efort fizic minimal, aritmie, cefalee. Obiectiv: murmur vezicular în plămâni, zgomote cardiace ritmice, cu FCC 156 b/min, TA - 160/100 mmHg. Paraclinic: ECG: fibrilație atrială cu FCC 160-96 b/min, hipertrofie VS. Bloc incomplet de ram stâng anterior. EcoCG: Hipertrofie VS. FE 48%. Coronaroangiografia: leziuni aterosclerotice pe LAD 80-85%. CFC-MB 25 U/L, troponine negative. Glicemia (11,8 mmol/l), dislipidemie. Tratament: angioplastie coronariană cu implantare de stent, nitrați, inhibitorii enzimei de conversie, blocanții canalelor de calciu, antiagregante și antidiabetice. Concluzii. Pacient tânăr, fumător, hipertensiv, cu diabet zaharat dezvoltă angină pectorală silențioasă. Este internat la timp, investigat prompt prin coronaroangiografie, depistat cu leziuni aterosclerotice pe LAD și rezolvat prin angioplastie coronariană cu pronostic favorabil.Background. Silent angina pectoris (sAP) develops in absolutely asymptomatic patients with a defect in the angina warning system, in 30% of patients with a history of myocardial infarction, in 80% among them had unstable angina pectoris (APu), Prinzmetal’s angina and in 70 % - with stable angina pectoris (SAP). Objective of the study. We present the clinical case of a young hypertensive, smoking patient with atrial fibrillation, aggravated genealogy, who was urgently admitted with inspiratory dyspnea on minimal physical exertion, palpitations and headache. Materials and methods. Man, 54 years old, hospitalized with UAP in the MCH „Holy Trinity”, Cardiology Department. Medical history: hypertension for 15 years, diabetes during 11 years, atrial fibrillation during 6 years. Investigations performed: electrocardiography, echocardiography, coronary angiography, chest x-ray, abdominal ultrasound, markers of myocyte injury, glycated hemoglobin, hematological and biochemical analyses. Results. General state of the patient with worsening: inspiratory dyspnea on minimal physical effort, arrhythmia, headache. Objective: vesicular murmur in the lungs, rhythmic heart sounds, with HB 156 b/min, BP - 160/100 mmHg. Paraclinical: ECG: atrial fibrillation with HB 160-96 b/min, LV hypertrophy. Incomplete anterior left bundle branch block. EcoCG: Hypertrophy LV, EF 48%. Coronary angiography: atherosclerotic lesions on LAD 80-85%. CK-MB 25 U/L, negative troponins. Glucose (11.8 mmol/l), dyslipidemia. Treatment: coronary angioplasty with stent implantation, nitrates, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, antiplatelet agents, and antidiabetic drugs. Conclusions. A young, smoking, hypertensive patient with diabetes mellitus develops silent angina pectoris. He was admitted on time, promptly investigated with coronary angiography, diagnosed with atherosclerotic lesions in the LAD and resolved by coronary angioplasty with a favorable prognosis

    Effect of Economic, Institutional and Cultural Factors on the Implementation of EU Energy Policies

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    This study assesses the effect of economic, institutional, and cultural factors on green energy production. The present research considers only sources for which the European Union cofinances investment in production capacity; thus, we exclude hydroelectric power. The economic determinants are internal consumption and national income, the institutional ones are the Worldwide Governance Indicators, and the cultural ones are the national cultural indicators of Hofstede. Data comprise the European Union countries for the 2007-2015 period, the longest time period in which the structure of the Union has remained mostly unchanged. We employ random effects panel data models and hierarchical clustering. Our main results emphasise the significant impact of internal energy consumption per capita, government effectiveness, rule of law, control of corruption, power distance, and uncertainty avoidance. The multidimensional hierarchical clustering points out three behavioural groups based on these variables. Two of them are quite homogeneous with respect to the geographical distribution of the countries on the European continent

    Analysis of Fiscality and Economic Growth at EU Level

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    Purpose/objectives: What this article proposes is to make a presentation as clear and current as possible of the member states' taxation, direct and indirect taxation being the main categories to which we refer. The choice of the theme was motivated by our interest in discovering the effects of some decisions taken at the European level. It is desired to discover the way and the impact in which taxation influences economic growth in the European community. Design/methodology: Mix research technique has been used. While qualitative research entails in-depth literature readings and reports, quantitative analysis entails presenting data via graphs and tables. Findings: Taxation was and will remain a main component in the general economy that influences the good functioning of a system. Its effectiveness is conditioned by the legal regulations that each state designs individually, but not without the influence of the communities of which it is a part. For example, Romania was conditioned upon its entry into the European Union to modify its laws in order to be at the same level as the states in the Union. It is a laborious process that takes a long time and is constantly changing and improving. The process of designing and implementing these programs is tried to be carried out as easily as possible for each individual state, being individualized by economy, regional power, global impact, etc. The progress of each country entered in this sense is very important and is constantly monitored, and periodic reporting is very useful. Originality/value: The work is an original research work conducted by the researchers. The findings will add to the body of knowledge on the area of research funding in Romania. Possible practical implications: The completed project is addressed to those people who are interested in the fiscal side of an economy, especially understanding the process of economic growth, how difficult it is to reach a favorable situation at such a high level.. It can also represent a starting point for bachelor's, master's level studies, in order to broaden general knowledge, or even in-depth study for a final paper

    Aggravated angina pectoris associated with hypertensive emergency, clinical case

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere. Sindromul coronarian acut (SCA) este o cauză majoră de deces și dizabilitate. Angina pectorală agravată (APa), o formă a anginei pectorale instabile (API) se dezvoltă pe fond de urgențe hipertensive (90,7%), hipercolesterolemie (82%) la pacienți cu comorbidități: diabet zaharat (DZ) și patologii hepatice. Scopul lucrării. Prezentăm cazul clinic a pacientei cunoscută cu AP de efort CF II, care pe fond de urgență hipertensivă (UH) se internează cu SCA fără supradenivelare de segment ST și troponine negative. Material și metode. Femeie, 59 de ani internată cu API și UH în secția de cardiologie SCM „Sfânta Treime”. Anamnestic: hipertensivă de 6 ani, CPI și DZ de 5 ani, în postmenopauză. Investigațiile efectuate: ECG, ECO, coronaroangiografia, radiografia toracelui, ultrasonografia abdominală și a glandei tiroide, marcherii injuriei miocitare, hemoglobina glicată, analize hematologice și biochimice. Rezultate. Starea generală cu agravare: dureri retrosternale constrictive și dispnee inspiratorie la efort fizic minimal, cu durata de 20 minute, care răspunde la 3 pastile de nitroglicerină. Obiectiv: FCC 130 b/min, TA - 220/110 mmHg. ECG: ritm sinusal cu FCC 102 b/min, subdenivelare segment ST 1mm în regiunea inferioară a VS, hipertrofie VS. EcoCG: Hipertrofie concentrică de VS. Dereglări de cinetică abs., FE 52%. Coronaroangiografia: leziuni aterosclerotice pe RCA 25-50%. CFC-MB 25 U/L, troponine negative. Glicemia (26 mmol/l), dislipidemie. Tratament conform protocolului cu: nitrați, inhibitorii enzimei de conversie, blocanții canalelor de calciu, antiagregante și insulină. Concluzii. Pacienta cu angină pectorală stabilă pe fond de urgență hipertensivă, diabet zaharat, menopauză dezvoltă angină pectorală agravată cu leziuni aterosclerotice unicoronariene moderate. Tratamentul adecvat precoce a influențat benefic evoluția maladiei și a favorizat pronosticul pacientei.Background. Acute coronary syndrome (ACS) is a major cause of death and disability. Aggravated angina pectoris (aAP), is a form of unstable angina pectoris (UAP) develops in hypertensive emergencies (90.7%), hypercholesterolemia (82%), in patients with comorbidities: diabetes mellitus (DM) and liver pathologies. Objective of the study. We present the clinical case of a patient known with stable AP FC II, wich during a hypertensive emergency (HE) is hospitalized with non-ST-segment elevation ACS and negative troponins. Material and methods. Female, 59 years old, hospitalized with UAP and HE in the CMH „Holy Trinity”, Cardiology Department. Medical history: hypertension for 6 years, IHD and DM for 5 years, in postmenopause. Investigations performed: ECG, ECHOCG, coronary angiography, chest x-ray, abdominal and thyroid ultrasonography, markers of myocyte injury, glycated hemoglobin, hematological and biochemical analyses. Results. Aggravating general condition: constrictive retrosternal pain and inspiratory dyspnea at minimal physical effort lasting 20 minutes, responding to 3 nitroglycerin pills. Objective: HR 130 b/min, BP- 220/110 mmHg. ECG: sinus rhythm with HR 102 b/min, ST segment depression 1mm in the lower LV region, LV hypertrophy. EcoCG: Concentric LV hypertrophy. Kinetic disorders abs., FE 52%. Coronary angiography: atherosclerotic lesions on the RCA 25-50%. CFC-MB 25 U/L, negative troponins. Glycaemia (26 mmol/l), dyslipidemia. Treatment according to the protocol with: nitrates, converting enzyme inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, antiplatelets, and insulin. Conclusion. The patient with stable angina pectoris associated with hypertensive emergency, diabetes mellitus, menopause develops aggravated angina pectoris with moderate single coronary atherosclerotic lesions. Adequate early treatment positively influenced the evolution of the disease and favored the patient’s prognosis

    Amyloid hydrogen bonding polymorphism evaluated by15N{17O}REAPDOR solid-state NMR and ultra-high resolution fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry

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    A combined approach, using Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FTICR-MS) and solid-state NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance), shows a high degree of polymorphism exhibited by Aβ species in forming hydrogen-bonded networks. Two Alzheimer’s Aβ peptides, Ac-Aβ16–22-NH2 and Aβ11–25, selectively labeled with 17O and 15N at specific amino acid residues were investigated. The total amount of peptides labeled with 17O as measured by FTICR-MS enabled the interpretation of dephasing observed in 15N{17O}REAPDOR solid-state NMR experiments. Specifically, about one-third of the Aβ peptides were found to be involved in the formation of a specific >C═17O···H–15N hydrogen bond with their neighbor peptide molecules, and we hypothesize that the rest of the molecules undergo ± n off-registry shifts in their hydrogen bonding networks